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How to Move Up the Performance Curve

After my team plays in a tournament, I find myself evaluating our performance.

Why did we perform well one game, but not in another?

Performance and progress are never as linear as we would like them to be.

Both tend to function as an exponential curve rather than a straight line upward.

Low performers stay on the flat end of the curve where growth is slow and inconsistent.

High performers stay on the right side of the curve where growth becomes exponential.

What is the difference between low and high performers?

One noticeable difference is the way they behave.

High performers ACT differently than low performers.

In fact, there are 5 stages on the Performance Curve that all behaviors fall under.

They are: inaction, reaction, action, pro-action, and interaction

Peak performance tends to include proactive behaviors that benefit the team.

Newton’s first law of motion says everything continues in a state of rest until it is compelled to change by forces impressed upon it.

What does this tell us about human behavior?

It tells us that any change in behavior requires a compelling outside force.

We know this is true by how many women are able to stop drinking alcohol once they become pregnant.

Most of us have also experienced how peer pressure can alter the decisions we make.

So, a great question to ask is:

What outside forces are influencing your actions?

Key forces include the people you interact with, the situations you are in, and the things you watch, read, and listen to.

If you want to improve your performance, start by identifying your behaviors.

If you want to change your behavior, start with external things you can control.

Want to stop drinking soda? Start by removing all the soda from your house.

Want to exercise more? Start taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Want to have better habits? Start by seeking knowledge and clarity with related books or podcasts.

Peak performance requires evaluating and studying behaviors.

If you are performing at lower level than you want to be, acknowledging that is the first step.

Identifying the critical behaviors needed comes next.

Then, find ways to set yourself up for success by utilizing the power of external forces.

Any change in behavior requires a compelling outside force.

Share your thoughts on this peak performance principle by sending me a message!

*Performance Curve created by Sir John Whitmore and the Performance Consultants International.


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